Weiwei & Lo Pan Linky

Gangnam juggernaut continues. Amazing Big Trouble in Little China riff:

And, even better, legendary dissident Chinese artist Ai Weiwei does his own version:

Dangerous Minds, who have been supplying Friday Linky with content for years now, has blown up big with a massively-shared post about Facebook’s (frankly insane) monetisation idea that breaks the core functionality of their own service and makes you pay to get it back. I fully expect it to be rolled back almost entirely before the year is out, but FB is experiencing financial pressure for the first time so maybe they’ll double down on this craziness? It ain’t like G+ is gonna take all the users away…

Also from Dangerous Minds: super-realistic sculpture of Ripley in Alien

Speaking of Facebook, that’s where Pearce has been sharing a horror movie a day. Here’s one to share, 1979’s ‘Zombie’. Sayeth Pearce: “If you don’t want to watch the entire movie, go straight to 33:30 and watch one of the most legendary scenes in horror movie history.”

The Exorcist as 80s sitcom.

Alan Moore sings on the hard-to-find/copyright-spiked Black Dossier record – listen to it here

Lady computers for your delicate lady computing hands. Built-in horoscopes! No I’m serious.

A history of photomanipulation
(via Maire)

Amnesty International’s new thingy, that uses your Facebook timeline to suggest what would happen to you in a repressive regime

The hard numbers behind the gender gap in academic publishing (via Amanda Lyons)

This guy is kinda my hero today, too: high school dude goes and does social-good health research, gets published, is awesome – then identifies a technical weakness in *his own paper* and *retracts it himself*. Legend.

Kiwipsum – A kiwiana themed dummy text generator, bro (via Heather)

The 10 best films of the 1890s. (Includes the actual films, which are mostly about a minute long each.)

This sounds groovy! The mysterious package company (via Anna Klein)

Arranging your bookshelf is like deciding seating at a dinner party…

Decoding the Canadian “sorry”

And finally, first seen via Mike Foster, here is CAT BOUNCE