In With The Gays

Cal and I are totally in with The Gays right now!
NZ’s foremost LGBT magazine, the giveaway Express, included a profile of us as part of a bigger feature on Civil Unions, four years after they went into law. We look very hot in Paddy’s photo and it’s a nice big feature where I hope we didn’t say anything too stupid. But you can see for yourself:
Pop that scanned image up!
The Express is a giveaway but it isn’t exactly easy to find. Snag one if you see one…

6 thoughts on “In With The Gays”

  1. You’re destroying this country with your degenerate ways, you two, I hope you’re happy!

  2. On behalf of “the gays” I’ll come out (what else?) and say that’s a nice article.
    and I don’t even think I *know* 250 people.

  3. Thanks Andrew! 🙂
    housemonkey: join us! Soon you too will be able to say “actually some of our friends are gay”. (Also, Scott has a point about those bright orange troosers.)
    Holy hannah, I just realised – white hetero middle-class people like me have already co-opted everything we can out of Black American culture – it’s only natural that we start appropriating stuff from another visible minority!
    I’m basically the same as Vanilla Ice!

  4. See, you post this article and there’s a volcanic eruption in Tonga. That was YOUR FAULT. But my trousers did cause the Victoria bushfires.

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