Off to Melbourne

Busy! No change there then.
Stupid-early on Thursday I’m off to the plane station to catch a flight to Melbourne, Oztralia, for the SASP social psychology conference. I’m giving a couple of presentations based on my Masters research. My first time presenting at a conference, so that should be fun.
I’m also reading a lot about Marie Antoinette.

7 thoughts on “Off to Melbourne”

  1. Marie Antoinette – What are you reading? I have some thoughts about a freeform set in 1792 in Paris if you fancy a collaborative project?

  2. Go to Flavours of Lakhoum on Church Rd, Richmond, for br- or l-unch.
    Go to The Abyssinian if you want amazing Ethiopian curries or Laksa King if you want the king of laksa on Racecourse Road, Flemington.
    K, bye.

  3. If interested and you need details of how to get to either I can advise you of fastest and easiest public transport options. 🙂
    I recommend these places, if it’s not clear. 😉

  4. My 1st conference was in Adelaide, but I stayed in Melbourne for 3 days 1st. I liked the butterfly house and platypi at the zoo.
    I hope you are pleased with how your presentations go and you get asked interesting questions that give you a different perspective and that there are lots of talks that make you see new connections (and and and)

  5. thanks everyone, your good wishes no doubt played a part in my excellent time.
    michael: thanks for these recommendations. I did scribble them into my little book, but didn’t end up with the time to set out to find them. Next time, when I have some actual time to myself, perhaps!

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