Our 48: “Dedication”

After numerous technical problems, here’s our team’s entry for this year’s 48 Hour Film Fest. We didn’t place anywhere but I am nevertheless very proud of our leetle film. Something so cool coming together in just 48 hours = supremely good feeling.

Dedication from Lee Dowsett on Vimeo.

(If Vimeo plays up for you, it’s also on YouTube.)

8 thoughts on “Our 48: “Dedication””

  1. Nice work Jenni’s Angels – it’s a cool film that I like more each time I see it 🙂
    And Dominic really, really likes the countdown at the start. (we don’t let him watch the violence)

  2. Awesome film, as Matt says it definitely is great to rewatch. It’s very pretty too.

  3. Oh, I loved the story by the way. I’ll send you an email about it when I don’t have a wriggly Dominic trying to assist with my typing 🙂

  4. @ Gator: That was meant to be a New York accent. Unfortunately I can’t do good accents. My preference was to go for a gritty sounding Christian Bale as Batman accent, but the Director wanted New York, and he’s the boss.

  5. Yeah, it is really hard to scream in an accent, unless you’ve had time to really inhabit it – and time is one thing no one has in a 48 hour film!
    Excellent lighting work during the ‘in book’ scenes, and great sound design overall. I was also going to compliment the fantastic foley work, until I saw in the end credits where all the sounds were lifted from. Still, great design work in putting it all together Svend!

  6. Well, I forgot to mention I did really like the idea for the story.
    Jon Ball + Bad New York Accent=The New Heartthrob of Wellington!
    Move over Jermaine!

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