Made it to Pecha Kucha last night, first one I’ve got to. It’s a format for creative types to share Some Stuff using a 20-slides-with-20-seconds-per-slide format. Was gud.
Briefly, I particularly enjoyed:
- Tim Bollinger, whose distinctive comics-based political activism was great fun;
- Jared Forbes of Lumen who talked about remodelling the visitor centre at Mt Bruce nature reserve;
- Maurice Bennett, the guy who makes art out of toast, who was just as much fun as you’d expect;
- Chris Jackson talking about chair design across 2000 years;
- Joshua Judkins of global geektech darlings Ponoko, who talked about playing the Lost Ring alternate reality game and blew my mind a bit with some of what happened after I stopped paying attention (my earlier post on the Lost Ring);
- and of course Edward Lynden-Bell of this parish, who talked about the Drake Equation and the likelihood of intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe.
It was good fun and definitely worth the $9. Pecha Kucha nights are springing up all over; check your local area to get in on the action.