Suraya’s Filament magazine has been getting a fair bit of press of late – a five-minute feature on nightly current affairs TV show Close Up, an interview on NatRad and BBC Radio 1, and also The Daily Mail spat the dummy and missed the point which, Suraya reports, is quite good for the credibility.
So this latest post from Suraya gives you a good opportunity to raise your eyebrows in consternation:
Filament has just been knocked back by the first distributor to say they’re not going to distribute us on the basis that we have a man on our cover, not a woman. That’s the rule – women’s magazines can’t have men on the cover. But men’s magazines can have either a man or a woman on their cover.
Yes indeed. I leave all the ways in which this is stupidwrong as an exercise for the reader. (Okay, you get one free to start you off: there is a global print media crisis happening. These old rules do not work.)
An interview on TV1’s “Close Up” on 9th June can also be added to the list of publicity
As usual, the Daily Mail annoys me in so many different ways. The comments section should doubtless turn out to be a mine of Speak You’re Branes comedy gold. Wait…ah…yes, there you go.
As I commented over on the Filament LJ, this doesn’t really suprise me. Looking at the magazine stand at my local supermarket, the only magazines with men on the covers are ‘male interest’ mags – sports or movie magazines (though why movie’s are ‘male interest’ is completely beyond me).
All the mags aimed at women either have food, a stylish still life, or a woman (usual a celebrity) on the cover.
Someway, somehow, the distributors and retailers have decided that women’s mags with men on the cover don’t sell, so none are produced. Yet another hurdle for Filament to overcome.
On the positive side, I’ve just been chatting to some workmates about Filament, and most everyone’s heard something about it. So, the word’s certainly getting out there (at least amongst a bunch of Wellington civil servants!)