My dad retires today. It’s quite a big deal. I identify him so strongly with that dedicated commute to work each day. It’s really exciting – he gets to define a whole new way of being, now. Nice one dad. See you at the function later today!
I dedicate this assortment of dubious internet jammery to my dad. (Sorry, dad.)
Chess on rollercoasters (via the Gator)
Nate Page’s artwork outa carved-up magazines. It’s like the reverse of collage. Amazing.
Another site dedicated to how people are sometimes venal, sometimes cruel, but mostly just dumb: Item not as described
This short account of the spiders-on-drugs research includes some crazy new findings I’d never heard before (via my Cal).
Hunter S Thompson motivational posters (From everyone, but the other moose had ’em first I think)
Wrestle-heads out there: a first column on the latest WWE happenings by regular commenter and good buddy Scott Anderson, at NZPWI
Via Svend: Bauchklang – band consisting entirely of beatboxers. WOW. (Which reminds me – if you didn’t get around to watching the choir doing Toto’s Africa a month ago, you missed the best thing I’ve linked to in ages. Go see.)
The UN Unconventional Culture Commission.
Free online poetry/short fiction journal, just released: Blackmail issue 25, the Rebel issue. Includes work from Helen Rickerby of this parish’s blogroll.
And finally… inglourious wizerds
7 thoughts on “Retirement Linky”
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Ah, Hinterland Who’s Who, as Canadian as Hockey and Poutine.
I bumped into your Dad the other day on the street (up my end of town, aka Hunter Street). I didn’t realise he was retiring this week! He did mention travelling overseas. Go Mr D!
Thanks for the mention Mr Morgue! And all the best to your retiring dad.
You linkied! I’m flattered!
Give your dad all the best from the trees family.
Congratulations Owen. If you find the time to come and visit us in Switzerland, we’d be delighted to have you.