On The Telly Linky

So I was only on for a flash, but I was on, and more importantly the show I wrote and am co-directing got a big glamour play. So good! Can’t sell tickets if people haven’t heard about it, after all!
Anyway, some hasty linky for your Friday:
Re-creating a Matrix scene with Lego:

Incredible short piece of journalism about restorative justice in action – not glowing, not snarky, just completely real. Kudos to Stuff.co.nz for running this with such prominence, it’s the kind of thing that gets buried or ignored all too often.
Mother Jones article on NZ’s climate change refugees from Tuvalu.
The AV Club’s been doing their decade best-of. Best films of the decade, Best TV of the decade, Best Books, and more. Check it all out for some smart commentary about what culture has been doing the last ten years.
Historical photos with superheroes ‘shopped in. But kinda good.
And finally… Celestial Soul Portraits. Whoa.

2 thoughts on “On The Telly Linky”

  1. I am most terrified by the guy whose unique essence has a laser beam projecting from his forehead… you wouldn’ty want to upset him?!

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