Go big linky, drop it at the bomb:
One drawing for (on) every page of Moby Dick
Best infographic evar? properly appreciating Mega Shark
Wife blogs the things her husband says in his sleep
Unconventional childrens’ books: e.g. Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?
A few months back The Onion ran a series of articles about History. This was my favourite: a collection of images showing art through the ages.
11 photos where black people were awkwardly photoshopped in or out
This made me happy: recreating childrens’ drawings in real life
Neat short doco on Chatroulette, which is the New Thing
chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.
A ha, so this is where the delightful Edward Gorey’s Trouble With Tribbles came from
THE AWESOME POWER OF RUGBY TECHNO: a website that syncs up random youtube rugby clips to random youtube techno music. 90% RAD.
Chap-hop history by Mr B. the Gentleman Rhymer on the Banjolele.
Choose Your Own Adventure Books, analysed and visualised.
Science geek girl makes her own wedding a biochemical experiment
A subsubsubculture you never knew about: competitive book-cart drills for librarians (via Salon)
Via our friends at Filament – UK media ignores sexiest male farmer, lavishes attention on sexiest female farmer
Relatedly, girls in bikinis perform The Big Lebowski. To sell bikinis, apparently. But I dunno man but watch it but.
Repton last week made two posts that I really appreciated: this one about anonymity on the web (technical stuff here, beware) and this one straight after about some highlights from the Lateral Science collection of wild science-related things.
Where media slant comes from – with graphs
Have you seen this video showing just how much TV is shot green-screen? Will blow your mind. When filming TV, it is now easier and cheaper to hang up a green curtain in a back lot and CGI the street in, than to actually go down to an ordinary street corner.
And you have probably seen this wonderful music video featuring a human-sized Rube Goldberg/Heath Robinson contraption, too, but if not:
And finally… via high priest of this blog, David R: Bob Dylan and Stephen Merchant perform Mama Said Knock You Out for LL Cool J.
I’d say you’d be astonished by how much green screen is used these days, but you already have, so I don’t need to. Um.
Chap Hop: Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer also does an excellent song, “Straight out of surrey”. Also recommend “We Drink Tea”, which an ex-coworker of mine emailed me completely out of the blue with, saying “saw this, thought of you”. NSFW for swearing:
Hey! I do *so* know about competitive library carts! They’re a Great Library Thing.
Okay, sitting down again now…
Jack: style!
Peter: I had a feeling I’d get into trouble for saying that!
“And Tango makes three” was given to J while I was pregnant with T… It is a favourite! For those who are interedstd in kids lit, I also recommennd “Mommy Laid an Egg” by Babette Cole for the most entertaining and explicit pictures of different sexual positions you are ever likely to see in a kids book and “Being Born” by Sheila Kitzinger… which is the closest I have come to reading soft porn to my children (and is very hard to read without giggling)
Off the photoshpopped black people I followed this link http://www.11points.com/Misc/11_Unbelievably_Insensitive_%28and_Often_Racist%29_Holiday_Advertisements and was very taken with the Christmas Fun Special haemorrhoid suppositories
Also loved choose your own adventure link (I was sure they got crapper as time went by, but figured maybe I was just growing out of them… nice to have proof) and the Chatroulette film and al the others I’ve followed so far!
Thank you for enriching my life!
Enriching your life? You say this in a comment to the same post where I link to RUGBY TECHNO and bikini girls do Big Lebowski?
(Thanks Karen!)
I’m so glad that I saw Mega-Shark vs. Giant Octopus before everyone started talking about that scene.
“What the shit!?”