I can’t even bring myself to write anything coherent on this subject. The calculated gains are so petty and the symbolic cost so huge (let alone the real costs) it just infuriates me.
If you’re a Kiwi, write to the PM about it. I just did. He’s at j.key@ministers.govt.nz and you can write to him this very moment. Stephen Judd has a great exemplar.
(If you’re not a Kiwi, feel free to write as well – living up to the international branding of NZ as clean and green is important to our tourism industry.)
Edited to add: the estimable Keith Ng rips into the facts, rationally.
Done and done … le sigh, what is going on back home?!
I am too angry to write just now. I have put in a reminder for this afternoon, when I should have calmed down enough to actually write a civil email. Because I don’t think that addressing the Prime Minister as “you minging cunt” will convince him of my argument.
I’m totally with you on the difficulty of writing intelligently on this at the moment. Which is why I haven’t. But not a good enough reason not to. We’re destroying our world with a speed and energy that defies belief, despite the fact that we know far more about the consequences of our actions than ever before. Grrrrrr. Thanks for the reminder. JK will indeed get an email from me.
Even The Economist thinks it sucks http://www.economist.com/world/international/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15763381
I knowI need to write a letter but words fail me… how can you argue this one rationally without some common ground in terms of values
Okay, done.
I hope that the Wikileaks furore doesn’t cause your readers to miss or forget about this.