The electronic version of ICONS is now available! Currently half-price! US$15, down from US$30.
The print version is shipping mid-month if you want to order it through your friendly neighbourhood game store or direct from the publishers.
Very pleased to see it hit!
The character generation process is almost a game in itself. In our playtest group (Dale, Jenni, James P and Norman) we ended up with some inspiring and weird characters. James rolled up a character with almost the same powers as Jenni’s character Salamandress, just a bit more useless. James turned this sows ear into a super-strong purse by deciding his character was in fact a huge fan of Salamandress and had built a metal suit that copied her powers, poorly. Thus was born Robo-Zard! Poor, terrifying Robo-Zard. (Other characters also extremely cool. huzzah!)
Would it work with only 3? If so, I might get the PDF 🙂
And a happy distraction which I am putting here not there to provide distance!
And this is the one I was looking for when I found the gaming one… Not so light, but still interesting and so were the others in the series
I don’t see why Icons would work any differently with 3 from any other RPG.
Yep, should work fine. I tend to think Supers games work better with fewer characters, even.
Much as a Superman/Batman teamup is usually better than the full Justice League roster.
Luke… some RPGs work well with 3 and some suck… really! Which are which may depend on the 3 🙂