(list of featured movies)
The Global Entrepreneurship Week launch event had a focus on Social Entrepreneurship, with speakers including Sam Morgan, Marc Ellis, Rod Oram, and others. It sounds like a pretty cool thing. I didn’t make it along due to the Waitomo deadlines, but the whole thing is available via Massey’s mediasite. I look forward to checking that out. GEW is in mid-November, so keep your eyes open.
The Hobbit has been in the news for all the wrong reasons – and I don’t think NZ has had so much interest in such a fuzzy dispute for a long time. I’m still not remotely clear what the union is actually concerned about. My sympathies lie with actors, but I don’t know that the unions are discharging their responsibilities to well at the moment. Anyway, Theatreview has been tracking the entire story and dragged all the links to one place.
Sadhbh asks, are there any chick-lit novels where the girl ends up with the good guy, not the bastard? There are tumbleweeds. Well worth a read, and do comment if you have any suggestions!
FFFilm: screenshots from films. Very engaging.
The ten computer games Roger Ebert, who said games can’t be art, should play.
Very detailed interactive map of Middle Earth.
Cinema advertising tricks from the 1920s.
The pointless, creative delights of CAPTCHArt: taking one of those little CAPTCHA phrases and interpreting it through art. Often hilarious.
And finally… the Dick Tracy comic strip scrambler. Every time you reload it randomly assembles three Dick Tracy panels. I dunno either.
the phrase ‘get out of there’ has no meaning to me any more. Excellent compilation.
I was annoyed by Ebert’s insistence that video games can never be art, but having played 8 out of the 10 games on the list I strongly doubt that he would agree about any of them. I certainly don’t.
For example, Portal is a series of puzzles connected by a computer voice that makes funny and cynical comments whenever you acheive something. It’s very clever, but it’s unlikely to fulfil many people’s definitions of “art”.
The review of Limbo is particularly bizarre. I played it and I loved it, but it’s just a particularly well-designed and atmospheric platform game. And yet the article claims that “It is the kind of game that changes who we are.” I would dearly love to see them try to back up this claim.
Pearce: I do much more reading about games than actually playing them. Portal gets talked about a lot for the way the AI character positions the experience – it sounds more clever than your description allows, but it might well be less than this writeup makes out. Passage, #5 in the list, is as good as it’s cracked up to be though.
Is Chick-lit the same as Romance? I’m confused. I used to think Chick-lit = she ended up with the good guy, Romance = she ended up with the bastard. Now I think about it more, I know I’m wrong. But I’m sure I’ve read books where she ended up with the good guy.
margie: man, I don’t know, it’s all foreign to me. But think of an example and go comment it on Sadhbh’s blog!
I’ll just leave the same comment I left here. I’m not sure if the books I am thinking of are in the right genre.. or what genre she means!
If it’s all foreign to you.. maybe you should read and review a chick-lit book. I would be interested on reading your take on one. Challenge!
give me the book, i will do the reading of it.
Morgue: Passage is one of the 2 I had not played.
I think that the article talks up the games I have played far too much. I left a comment saying that I would love to see the writer back up the claim that Limbo “changes who you are” and got the response:
“who are you to tell me that it didn’t change the way I perceive minimalist narrative structure? Because that, by definition, is ‘changing who i am’.”
I don’t know about you, but when someone says a work of art “changes who we are” I generally expect that to mean something a little more profound than a narrative structure the writer has not encountered before.
I was at the GEW launch thing; forgot to blog it. Sam Morgan and Rod Oram’s talks were interesting. Marc Ellis has just enough brain to realise he has no brains. Don’t bother with anything other than the first few minutes of the discussion.
Better link for the social media thing is:
Billy, you need to leave a comment in the sidebar on the page!
Alex Sorenson gets up and describes Kaibosh by the way, at about 3/4 way through.