G8: what’s coming

The G8 are meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland in a week and a half. Big protest activity is being planned. The two big days are July 2 and July 6.
On Saturday July 2nd, the Make Poverty History campaign is organising a big march in Edinburgh central.
On Saturday July 6th, the opening of the G8 meeting, another rally will be held in Edinburgh, and a big concert in the evening. I’m heading up to Gleneagles to join the protest happening up there.
It’s a really big deal. I’m going to try and write a bunch of stuff in this blog about what goes down, what it’s like being here, and why I think it matters. Because I think it does matter.
(Hopefully I’ll be able to wrest the time to do this. It’s been a busy week. But this is important. Stay tuned.)