Stuff’s “Ice Age” story has changed

Following up on this post: In response to a complaint from me (and presumably communications from others as well), Stuff has stripped the inaccurate material out of their “Ice Age” story and added an apologetic note at the bottom.

It can’t take away the effects of the earlier version, but it at least ensures that this isn’t another link that can be circulated through the climate change denier echo chamber.

The person I communicated with sounded embarrassed by the whole affair – as they should be, it is a humiliating failure. Here’s hoping the lesson has been learned.

5 thoughts on “Stuff’s “Ice Age” story has changed”

  1. Well done, and thanks for recording the orginal-original wording.

    I also talked to someone to Stuff/Fairfax and I should say they are very keen to do science reporting right. This was obviously a disappointing start to the science section, but hopefully we can hope (and help) for something better once they’ve got their bearings.

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