NASA Jet Propulsion Lab posted a video of Ray Bradbury in 1971. He cracks up the crowd, then does it again, then reads a lovely poem. (via BoingBoing)
The Wire: The Musical. AMAZING. Worth watching just for Snoop but it’s all good.
Samm just reminded me that this existed – the redoubtable Robyn Gallagher has been working her way through the archive of NZOnAir funded music videos. It’s good stuff and a trip down memory lane for Kiwis.
Escher Lego Star Wars (via Ed)
32 innovations that will change your tomorrow (also via Ed) – this is basically a look at the fancy consumer goods of the future, but there are some interesting ideas in here.
The Humble Indie Bundle computer game charity collection just added a bunch more games to the bundle, including the legendary Braid. One week to go!
Related: flowchart to find the job you’d best suit in the computer games industry
My old 48-hour filmaking team’s entry from this year’s comp – I have many hearts for this
The NZ On Screen collection telling the story of NZ becoming nuclear-free has a really good intro essay to go with Spike Milligan hopping about on a Wgtn hillside and various other treats. (pointed out by CJ, who should know I guess.)
Inexplicable dating site profile pics. With a few exceptions, these go beyond “point and laugh at the sad loser” (which is a yuck thing to do) and reach into “marvel at the breadth of humanity” (which is an awesome thing to do) (via Hannah)
Via Dylan: Boggle the Owl loves you. Unassuming webcomic inadvertantly ends up providing therapy service.
Trailer for Prometheus remade in paper. (via everybody)
Diagram of links between Stephen King’s Maine books
Draw a Stickman has a new episode up! (via brand-new-dad Frank)
There’s this thing called the Book Genome project. I’d never heard of it until I read Robin Laws destroying it.
The AV Club is beginning a rewatch of Dawson’s Creek. Roll your eyes all you like but you know I’m gonna be reading it every week and catching every one of Katie Holmes’s weird half-smiles that she did instead of acting. Yes I know no teenagers ever talked like that, but no dog ever slept on the roof of his doghouse either and y’all love Snoopy. BELIEVE. (PACEY-CON!)
The Gator asked for no more photos of dogs dressed as crustaceans, so here’s a tumblr of sad dogs dressed up as things! Perhaps including crustaceans, sorry Gator.
And finally, via the Alligator, this:
(That Bradbury link is one of the best ever linky’s linkys.)