Parts 07 to 12 of the Dragon comic I created when I was wee are now up on Flickr.
I embed part 08 here, because it is an episode of which I am fond. In order to get the most comic with the very least drawing required, I introduce a character who is invisible. PERFECT.
(Reminds me of a photo-strip in the early 80s Eagle, The Invisible Boy. Typical panel: a photo of a hedge, with a thought balloon: “I wonder what’s happening on the other side of this hedge!” Genius stuff.)
Read the entire 12-part epic here. And thank you for your indulgence.
Ha ha ha! Great. You didn’t happen to be a reader of Buster and/or Whizzer and Chips, did you? I know for a fact you read Oink 😛
Nah, was never into the Brit humour comics, Oink excepted. The others seemed way too safe and fairly uninteresting. Oink was like falling down a plughole.
I have respect for their contributions to culture & the artistry inherent in ’em, though 🙂