8 thoughts on “Result:”

  1. hmmmn – your comment moderation has unstuck my last attempt to congratulate you on the benign mole…

  2. After Bilbo steals the Ring from Gollum, he escapes the goblins and catches up with the dwarves. Fleeing from the mountain, they mistake their way and get captured by a were-bear. They manage to escape, but Gandalf falls in the process, leaving them guide-less to cross Mirkwood. The dwarves are captured by elves – all except Bilbo, who is invisible. To rescue the dwarves, Bilbo lures a hunting pack of giant spiders to the elven fortress; Bilbo and the dwarves escape in the confusion. Eventually, they make their way to the Lonely Mountain. Bilbo puts on the Ring and goes inside. The Ring is starting to gain a hold over Bilbo, and Smaug (a creature of evil) is momentarily daunted. Bilbo steals the Arkenstone of Thrain, the ancient Palantir of the dwarf kingdom. After Bilbo leaves, Smaug gets pissed off and flies out in a range to look for something to kill, while Bilbo and the dwarves hide in a hole. Bilbo uses the Arkenstone to send a telepathic message to Thorondor, king of the Misty Mountains eagles. Thorondor flies out with a wing of fighting eagles, and they battle Smaug in the skies, killing him. Unfortunately, an army of goblins sees the fight, and set off to capture the old dragon’s gold. Bilbo spots the army with the Arkenstone and the dwarves pay the men of Lake-town to send messengers to some other dwarves and to the elves, asking for help. There’s a big old battle, and Gandalf shows up again, but in the end the goblins are defeated. The dwarves hand out gold to everyone in thanks and Bilbo goes home a very rich hobbit.

  3. John – cheers! Man, i’m looking forward to seeing those fighting eagles take on Smaug. I bet Peter Jakeson makes that awesome! Hey, wasn’t there a bit with a bard? I’m sure I heard there was a bit with a bard, where he played his flute and enchanted everyone or something.

    Serious prediction: Andy Serkis will play Smaug.

  4. So, if you have a Mole then when is Toad, Badger and Ratty.
    Good news, bro. Good news.

  5. Damn right. Smaug is a whole bucketful of awesome. I’m pretty certain, though, that he’s killed by a Laketown archer, not by the eagles. The archer’s name is Bard, but he’s not actually a bard. So Morgue was half-right.

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