Friday Linky

Attention. This is your Friday Linky.
Warren Ellis has been recommending the inferior 4+1 weblog for a while – a collective LJ by a bunch of SF novelists. He particularly recommended this piece, and I recommend it too. Lucius Shepherd shares a true story about a man who fights a monkey. And then doesn’t learn his lesson. Gordon was given a pair of boxing gloves and ushered into the pit. He was in good spirits. A few minutes later, a half-grown chimp was shoved through a door in the pit wall…
My favourite thing of the week was revealed to me on Blogorrhoea. It is called speak you’re branes. It is a lovingly-collected assembly of all the comments on the BBC’s Have Your Say system that might induce you to bang your head against the wall. All gathered in one place, the wall-denting absurdities pile up so rapidly that it almost makes a danceable rhythm out of your head knocking into the plaster. Wonderful. This is now the world.
My *other* favourite thing of the week came from Svend. It is Square America, found vintage photos gathered into great categories. This one opens the “Photo Booth” category:

It’s great, this site, and will chew up your time in a very pleasant way.
I commend to you Make Tea Not War’s guide to life. “19. If you deride people who are trying to do something that is kind or generous or hospitable you are a twat.”
If you like escaping from rooms, d3vo supplies a good link. Escape from many rooms here.
Obligatory Friday linky geekness: Mr Jonny Nexus drew attention to a site called The Secret History of Star Wars, which is an exhaustively researched piece on the how we ended up with the cinematic pieces we did and what happened along the way. It is a 600-page book worth of stuff. I’ve only just barely skimmed it, but it does mention how in early drafts Lucas called the dark side of the force “the bogan”, which explains to Aussies and Kiwis why Darth Vader always wore black. Presumably he also listened to AC/DC and drove a Holden.
Also: coincidental Achewood.
This was your linky. It is Friday.