Zine Launch

Wednesday 19 March, there will be a launching of a zine I contributed to, the rather wonderful Seven Copies Of The Scream. It’s going to be in the Welsh Dragon bar from 6pm to 8pm – do come along.
7CotS is a pretty wild joint venture. I’d honestly given up on it ever seeing the light of day, but apparently it’s now all go again. Here’s the blurb from the website:

All right so the new issue of 7COTS (that stands for SEVEN COPIES OF THE SCREAM) is ready and waiting we just need to get off our ass and get it out there so the punters (which is YOU) can read it
it is an absolute killer of an issue, 70 pages or so of P-smoking brilliance that will have you weeping in your cornflakes and inhaling rice bubbles by snorting with laughter at the wrong time
Featured articles include:
* are we all going crazy (investigative report)
* why vampires really do suck so bad
* music that is cool
* f***d up books
* the best movie review you will ever read (better than the movie and cheaper than paying $16 for a movie ticket CHRIST that is a lot of money who can afford that)
* and THE TEN GROSSEST MOVIE MOMENTS EVER (all of these are on DVD so you can get them from Aro Video)
Also lots of other random awesome.
SO make sure you don’t miss the latest issue of 7COTS because it’s probably going to be our last and its definitely the best one so far, available at places that carry zines, [this is blatantly not true, it isn’t available anywhere – morgue]
you can’t miss it because Isabella Rosellini is being nuzzled by a pig on the cover

It’s true, the cover does show Isabella Rosellini (sp?) being nuzzled by a pig.

4 thoughts on “Zine Launch”

  1. You made Myspace uglier! That takes some doing.
    I am drooling in anticipation of 7COTS. My blood pumper is righted!
    For your next trick I’d like to see you devote a similar amount of time & energy to helping ensure National don’t get voted in to government this year.

  2. 7CotS is already helping in that cause, with its extensive discussion of John Key’s BEHAVIOURS. (Not actually in the published zine.)

  3. It seems like some people think this is on today, 12 March. It’s not. It’s next week.
    So this comment is just in case anyone looks here today under that mistaken impression.

  4. This is a belated posting. This entry should have come with an “aunty” warning: Do not open the link if you think there is a possibility you will blush. It has taken me a few days to come back to your site after this entry. Hope the launch goes well.

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