I need your help.
I’ve been working for a bunch of years now on an idea to help us turn our feeling that things aren’t right into real action that has an impact on the world. It’s a toolkit that I call Small Group Action. It’s been used in workplaces and in classrooms and by groups of friends, and it works. It was the basis of my Masters research and I know it can make a difference.
It’s time to get SGA out into the world, so people can put it to work. I’d welcome any support you can give me.
What is Small Group Action?
It’s very simple: you get a few people into a small group, say 4 or 5 people. You agree to do one action together – a short-term commitment only. You choose the action together, and plan how to get it done. Then you go for it.
4 or 5 people is big enough to do small but substantial things. (You can chain actions together for added effect.) It’s also small enough the group is easy to manage. Short-term means it’s an easy commitment to make, and you get the satisfaction of doing something sooner rather than later. Group effects help keep you on task – you can actively motivate each other, and no-one wants to let the others down.
All simple stuff, but harnessed together, all pointing in the same direction? It makes for a powerful engine.
(There’s more than this, of course, but this is the heart of it.)
What am I trying to do?
The goal is to get the SGA toolkit out into the world. I’m in need of advice about the best way to do this! Some ideas:
- A small SGA handbook and forms that walk you through the setup process, all free to download and print.
- An online tool or app that takes you through the setup process, then sends out reminders/notifications.
- A website/community that shares ideas for actions and promotes success stories.
Obviously the social nature of SGA lends itself to social media, but I’m not sure how this could integrate effectively with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc.
What do I need from you?
First – advice. Help me figure out what the hell I’m actually trying to get done, here. Comments are good, here on the blog or on Facebook or Twitter. Or email me!
Second – enthusiasm. If this is a thing you could see yourself using, sing out.
Third – expertise. Visual design people, community people, web people, psychology people, UX people, game design people, comms people – any offers of help or guidance gratefully received.
OK then. Here we go.
UPDATE: I’ve put a step-by-step and an action checklist over on the Taleturn website.