More Amazing Things About Me

And while I’m on the subject of me:
* a few minutes ago I finished the first bout of marking for the first-year tutoring I’m doing. I do enjoy marking, except for the fact that it takes almost forever to do it well.
* finger is back in a splint. This time it was custom made for me (Splints While-U-Wait!) so should do a much better job of sorting out this finger. The hand therapist took some measurements – it’s the first joint on my left ring finger, and I can’t bend it down further than about 60 degrees or bring it up any straighter than about 30 degrees. I probably won’t ever get the full 0-90 range of movement back but she was optimistic about getting pretty close. Sounds good to me.
* LJ readers will already know this, but for those in the UK who don’t read there: I’m coming over your way to attend the wedding of Leon, King, God and one of my oldest friends, to his Lady God. I’ll be in London the week of the 11th August, and in Edinburgh the week of the 18th August, except for the days when I’m in Winchester or wherever the heck else.
* I really should go to sleep now.