Surround Sound

I bought my stereo in… 1997? Something like that. Disregarding d3vo’s advice to invest in a multiple component system, I bought a Sony GR10-AV. It came with surround sound capability – two rear speakers and a centre speaker for dialogue.
After more than a decade, I have finally set up the surround sound. Verdict: neat.
(Note: I couldn’t make it work. Cal made it work. Respect where it’s due.)
Now if only I can figure out where the remote for it is…

2 thoughts on “Surround Sound”

  1. Ah, our Sony stereo systems. I got my, slightly cheaper, GR-8 unit about the same time as you. And I can’t bear to part with it. Even when it stopped playing CDs I kept it alive by plugging my old playstation unit into it’s input channel.
    I <3 it, i really do.

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