If a busy and rather non-productive one. I read poetry (Mr Scott Kendrick’s much-loved Wellington poem Lambton Shuffle ) at Hottieperm’s talentquestparty, kicked a football around a schoolyard without breaking myself, made some very nice soup and fed it to people, watched the end of The Wire season 4, talked Mexico with people going to Mexico, did some work on Ron, slept in real good, and had a very nice time overall.
And right now I’m waiting for the one-hour-before-food direction for my short antibiotic course to elapse so I can have some breakfast and go to school. Another late start. Ach.
Anyway. Here’s a taster of the art for the first issue in comic story The Beast, written by me and with art by Brynn. (Previously mentioned waaaay back in Feb ’06, here.) Learning how to do comics collaboratively – there is much for us both to get our heads around. Anyway, enjoy.
One thought on “Good Weekend”
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This is fabulous!