Big news of the moment is the pending release of two new games from two of my favouritest game designers, Malc and Gregor!
Malc’s Hot War has just hit pre-order at Indie Press Revolution. It follows up his Cold City game and twists it in new, powerful directions. It is also an incredibly beautiful book, thanks to Paul Bourne’s typically amazing designs.
London. Winter. 1963.
It is a year since the Cold War went hot.
And this was not just a nuclear war. Far more sinister, darker weapons were deployed from the shadows.
Survival and re-building are all that matter now. But human nature and tragic circumstances mean that everyone has their own ambitions.
…a Government desperate to hold on to what remains of the country.
…military forces who wish to expand their power and influence.
…frightened and brutalised refugees who simply want a place to call home.
Into this maelstrom steps the Special Situations Group, a motley band of men and women tasked with the jobs too dirty or dangerous for anyone else.
This is Hot War: a game of friends, enemies, secrets and consequences in the aftermath.
You can download a preview .pdf here
The main website for Hot War is here – art previews, play experiences and more!
Gregor’s 3:16: Carnage Amongst The Stars develops and extends his Ronnie-winning original version, and also boasts tremendous visual style.
This high-octane Sci-Fi role-playing game for 2 or more players has your space Troopers killing bugs all across the Cosmos. You’ll advance in rank, improve your weapons, slay civilization after civilization and find out who you are through an innovative “Flashback” mechanic.
Terra’s plan is to kill every living thing in the Universe to protect the home world. See where your tour of duty in the 3:16th Expeditionary Force takes you and your friends. Revel in the kill-happy machismo and enjoy a campaign of Carnage Amongst The Stars.
3:16 is a Sci-Fi role-playing game about Carnage Amongst The Stars.
• Take your squad of kill-happy Troopers and annihilate bugs!
• Low preparation, elegant game system.
• Delivers developing campaign play.
• Lavishly illustrated and designed book.
• Winner of a High Ronny Award for Games Design for the original version.
More info here.
Two amazing games, both coming at you highly recommended. Even if you’re not a gamery type, take a look at the pretty. For they are both pretty.
Thanks for mentioning Hot War. I’m really pleased with the way the final book has turned out. It’s not only a worthwhile game but also a really cool artefact. I’m excited to see what reception it gets. And the feedback during and since playtesting that you gave has been utterly invaluable in terms of making it a much, much better play experience.
3:16 is also a great game that blends some much good stuff into something that manages blend roleplaying and tactical elements so that you just can’t see the join! I’m so looking forward to picking up the hardcopy version. And it also has another wonderful Paul Bourne cover! That man sure does get around.
Yeah, 3:16 has that great Paul Bourne cover, and great Gregor Hutton interior art – I couldn’t find an image to embed that showed off the interior without busting my blog width.
I think they’re both gonna make some noise, these two games. They deserve to.
Artwork so pretty… can’t look away from it on my screen… eyes starting to melt… so very, very pretty…