More from the amusing circus that is NZ politics and media: front page of the newspaper of our capital city, The Dominion Post, is this article by Phil Kitchin. Key quote:
Contacted for comment yesterday, Winston Peters said: “Phil, I told you I’m not talking to a lying wanker like you. See you.” He then hung up.
Foreign types might ask, who is Winston Peters? He is our nation’s Foreign Minister. He is the dude we send to meet the dignitaries. He shakes the hand of your President or Prime Minister, he is that guy, and that is how he rolls here. Ooh yeah.
New Zealand is very proud.
Am I the only one who thinks that’s fabulous? I mean, that has to be the most honest statement Winnie has made on record ever.
I’m quite enamoured of it myself 🙂 I don’t think I capture the full… complexity of my feelings for Mr Peters in the post itself.
My president has said some pretty good ones, but never called anyone a wanker.
But then again, that word is ABOVE Dubya…
Let us not forget “cheeky darkie”.
Ahh, politics.
At a bar long ago called Ecstasy, when the right honourable Mr Peters was much earlier into his career, you could order double scotch on the rocks by asking for a ‘Peters’.