Flying Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning I’m on the plane to the UK for two glorious weeks of London, Winchester and Edinburgh, including the reason for the journey: the wedding of The Most Revered And Regal Leon, King And God, to the wonderful Laura.
I’ll be back in a few weeks. Blogging will be low. Anyone in London who doesn’t already know about the Weds post-work picnic catchup, give me an email. Plans in Edinburgh are still disorganized.
And following the discussion and extensive advice I received here, just now I finally got off my backside and carbon offset my flight at Total carbon emissions 7867.54kg CO2-e; offset cost $270. Worth every cent. They even gave me a certificate to prove it.
Next task is to pay back the good soul who loaned me money for the tickets…

6 thoughts on “Flying Tomorrow”

  1. I’ll offset that CO2 for ya….you should have just sent me that $270.
    I would’ve taken care of it all for ya’s….
    Have fun in the place I wish I were!

  2. Yay, not long till we see you. As to plans my thing will be Friday so your thing can be Saturday. And now I of the cryptic am off.

  3. Say hi, and wish Leon and Lucy luck from Me, Luke and Ayla.
    And safe trip over and back.

  4. I meant Laura not Lucy. Saw her name in the comment above and it was all over red rover.

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