Spooky Linky

Happy Halloween…
From Peaseblossom, two Thriller-related treats. One demonstrates how online video is pushing lip-sync into a new folk-artform, when what seems like a couple hundred students deliver an astonishing one-take performance of Thriller as the steadicam roams throughout their school, checking out the geeks, the jocks, the wasters, the band… even cooler is that it isn’t even in their native language. They’re all French, from IUT of Rouen. Anyway, it is no surprise that I adore this.

LIP DUB IUT SRC ROUEN 2008 from arcanes-prod on Vimeo.
And for extra Thriller thrills, here’s Thrill the World, a noble online quest to get people to dance the Thriller dance en masse – over 4,000 people took part around the world. There are many videos…
Remixing and snarking on daily comic strips is another big web past-time. My brother brought this online delight to my attention, and it is great fun: Marmaduke explained in which the hidden depths of each Marmaduke cartoon are revealed. Ben likes this one in particular. Oh that big dumb dog!
(Related: weirdly, Garfield Minus Garfield has just been collected and released as an official Garfield book by the Garfield publisher, with the blessing of Jim Davis.)
Chris Cole, inspired by the Chema Madoz photos last week, emailed me a link to the breathtaking paper-folding artworks of Peter Callesen. Just amazing – no glue or anything involved, just taking one sheet of paper and slicing into it then folding it up.

Michael’s comment on last week’s linky, finding one of the abandoned cities on Google Earth, introduced me to the Google Sightseeing blog which visits all kinds of neat places around the globe. Here’s a giant kiwi design cut out of a chalk hillside in England! Not as well-endowed as the Herne giant, but still kinda impressive.
And finally, this local news story gave me a laugh…

3 thoughts on “Spooky Linky”

  1. Man, that Garfield’s a real cut-up!
    Note: Must use correct accent, and then take a sip of Old-Style brand beer.
    I thought I put a comment on last week about the woman who rides her motorcycle around Chernobyl….but it didn’t seem to register. Did you find this originally?

  2. I love the fact you can see the cameraman reflected in some of the windows of the Thriller video, adding to the “toally cool yet not totally professional” feel…

  3. ‘gator – for some reason your comments with links keep dropping into my spam filter and I only check that every few weeks. Apols.

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