Wire and Request

First thing, cross-posted from my LJ:
“Wellington – buy The Wire now.
If you are in Wellington, and if you like The Wire, stop queueing to borrow it. Get yourself along to Borders Lambton Quay where you can get seasons 2, 3 and 4 for the princely sum of $9.99 each (down from $59.99 each).
You read that right. Borders goes a bit wacky with their pricing sometimes and no doubt this is a system error of some sort, but there was a whole display with 9.99 Wire seasons. They’ll probably fix it in a day or two, like they did when I bought Under The Mountain for $7 (down from $30) but it is entirely legit while it lasts.
I bought ’em.”
Second thing:
If anyone going to the big wedding party on Sat is free during the day and can lend a hand setting up, drop me an email. We’d love to have a couple extra bods…

3 thoughts on “Wire and Request”

  1. Provided you think the Wire is any good of course.
    Which Wellington: It is not, in my opinion.
    (I’m intentionally starting a row which you cannot fight, because you’re too busy with other, more important things!)

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