Pop Culture Parenting #1

As I’m gonna be a dad in December, I figure I need to get myself schooled up in being a parent. So I’m going to be contemplating my major life influences and distilling the key parenting tips that I’ll need to be a great dad.

#1. Ensure child has rigorous schedule of chores.

3 thoughts on “Pop Culture Parenting #1”

  1. Swap age appropriate for rigorous and I actually agree with this rule. Chores give kids a role in the family… work along side them, expect them to be competent and praise them when you achieve the goal together and they will be awesome! T asked to bake his creche 3rd birthday party cake last night (J was at their Dad’s so T saw his chance to do ALL the helping). He really did do most of it and he looked so proud when one of his older friends said “But Tom didn’t Really bake his cake” and I was able to say “He did everything but the hot bits”

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