What about Dads? Can we have it all too?
Saturday’s newspaper had a magazine section with a big article heavily featuring our little fambly – Cal, Willa and myself. It’s up online here. It is actually quite a good piece, I reckon.
One message in there is how much we are relying on family for support, and on employers being flexible. We are blessed with much support in all those ways, plus plus a babby who is happy and not much trouble as babbies go. We are lucky people.
I am feeling the lucky today. Today (and the whole week actually but especially today) has been manic to the extreme. But I am getting by and well-fed (good healthy home-made tucker) and wee Willa has been adored by many people today and has lots of cuddles and food and poor hardworking Cal was super supportive tonight as I raced to get a piece of work done…
This blog is gonna stay low-frequency low-thinking posts for a while I guess. Capacity is low right now. But I want to record this here so I can’t argue with myself later: for all the challenges fitting everything in? I’m having an amazing time.
Anyway, enough ramble. Go read the article. You know you want to.
Been there, read that, good piece. Awesome actually. You guys rocking it. We all adore Willa and you guys doing your thang. Luck tho? humm I will take a ticket in the euro-millions (100 million) this Friday and see what happens. How much you want? (disclaimer: :not all of it but a goodly amount).
It was both surprising and refreshing to read an article in the local paper featuring people I know that seemed fair, on point and non-exploitive. Yay!
yeah what pearce said without the euro millions crap.yes I did not win.