Scareface Linky

Extremely freaky perception thing. I couldn’t handle doing this for very long because it so badly unnerved me. (via Ron Fischer)

Lovely 2-minute turn at a poetry jam (via ehjc)

Blogging the entirety of Emily Dickinson’s poetry

Canine brain scans (via d3vo)

Super-technology bottles makes sauce come out really easily (also via d3vo)

The story behind the truly amazing fake Tilda Swinton Twitter account

Scientific American illustrates the anatomy of the Hulk.

Portfolio site for a guy who designs user interfaces for the computer systems in movies. Iron Man’s helmet display, for example.

Lots of people around the net have been linking to these magazine covers, which were reputedly tiny background details in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. Mash also found this great investigation of the real story behind these images.

The latest Humble Indie Bundle, a great way to grab indie computer games at incredibly friendly prices and support charity at the same time, is up now.

Leeeroy Jenkins! A short heist film.

The BBFC’s reasoning behind the rating they gave Ridley Scott’s Alien (as a PDF)

Scanned entirety of a magisterial classic guide to cartooning.

Examining how income tax laws apply to zombies.

A drinking game for people who overthink everything

B-list Star Wars characters get Seuss-ified (via sophie’s friend mike)

And finally, John Cleese as Satan