Matariki Linky

Māori new year (& winter solstice) down this way! We miss you sun.

The history of the fork.

Wikipedia of course has a page on that thing when it seems like street lights are going out right as you walk by

Cabins to desire

The new “Where the hell is Matt” short. These always make me cry.

How to determine if a scientific claim you encounter is reliable. More people should know this stuff. (via Amanda Lyons)

Harry Potter fanfilm. Looks impressive, like these things do nowadays. We’re a long way from “Doctor Who and the Planet of the Killer Ducks”.

Brainstorming doesn’t work

David Simon has a blog! Called, hilariously, The Audacity of Despair. And as Alasdair pointed out in comments last week, he has a commencement address too.

Wonka! A hidden filthy joke, some behind the scenes pics, and Gene Wilder’s genius.

Blade Runner – recreated, frame by frame, in watercolours


77-year-old guy who punches steel poles because he punches steel poles at age 77 (via Mike Hugill)

I wondered if I could find a closing item as deeply weird as last week’s “girl fight video”. Well, judge for yourselves: And finally…