Commencement Linky

A bit late but here at last, some Friday linky for you:

Some of the most powerful photographs ever taken (via Rachel B)

Aaron Sorkin commencement address, Neil Gaiman commencement address, Robert Krulwich commencement address

So the gulf stream doesn’t actually keep Europe warm? Science urban legends… “zombie ideas”

Let me clear out some linky from over a year ago…

A true story of Daily Mail lies

High school band plays Rage Against The Machine

5 artistic geniuses who only became great after selling out

Infographic: the evolution of the geek

The Discourager of Hesitancy – the followup to the Lady and the Tiger

Limericks that rely on counterintuitive pronunciation rules

The Book Surgeon

Phrase frequency counter, for writers

William Gibson reads Neuromancer

54 cereals we loved and lost

Hip-hop revolutions that weren’t

Vest-pocket guide to 19th-century NYC brothels

Rare photos of famous people

And finally…